Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Well this is interesting. Kiya got startled in our downstairs while on the laminent flooring. She froze. Knowing I shouldn't react and further traumatize her, I got up and called her forward to the couch. She came to me but was very apprehensive.

I knew that if I didn't deal with this issue whenever I got the chance, I would end up with a dog who would not walk on shiny or slippery floors. She certainly couldn't be a demo dog if she wouldn't walk on certain flooring.

I started feeding her in the kitchen where I have tile floor. She very carefully walked across to get her food. After about a week, she was walking through the kitchen as if nothing ever happened. She also goes downstairs just fine. She's a little cautious on the flooring but she will walk on it.

The real test will come on Thursday when we are out at Target doing some shopping. Hopefully she can walk on the linoleum flooring.

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