Sunday, March 11, 2007


Kiya is just now beginning her training as a demo dog. She has lived with two previous service dogs in training and knows how to do the commands needed for demo'ing. She has not, however, been given the socialization necessary to be a "service dog". Normally this socialization starts at age 9 weeks. Kiya is starting at 3 years.

She is a little skittish in public. She's not used to the traffic sounds or the people when in a crowd. She is doing well getting aquainted with the public outings. She certainly LOVES the idea of being in public. I take out her coat and she goes NUTS! She is so excited to go out to work.

She really disproves the theory that service dogs don't enjoy working. YES THEY DO! They are trained to be focused and I think that looks "sad" to some people. When the dogs are working, they are focused on the work at hand. They are not jumping around acting excited. Which does not translate into not wanting to work.

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